Managing Business Meaning
Learn-as-you-Go pre-recorded tutorial of 10 sessions, covering the essentials for managing business meaning.
In this course you will learn how to frame concepts using formal ontology techniques, how to translate this into data-facing ontologies for knowledge and other applications, and how to put this to work in various IT architectures.
This is intended to be complementary to most available ontology training courses (e.g. on RDF/OWL); where those focus on syntactical matters, this course will teach the essence of concept-centered thinking and how to model concepts in the logic of formal ontology tools.
Presenter: Mike Bennett
Mike is the director of Hypercube Limited, a company that helps people manage their information assets using formal semantics. Mike is the originator of the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) from the EDM Council, a formal ontology for financial industry concepts and definitions. Mike provides mentoring and training in the application of formal semantics to business problems and strategy, and is retained as Standards Liaison for the EDM Council and the IOTA Foundation, a novel Blockchain-like ecosystem. He has over 20 years of financial industry experience with investment management software, messaging standards, testing and project management.
Mike has presented this tutorial in person in Dallas, Cape Town and London and now brings it on line as an interactive, GoToMeeting based session.
There is even a field trip to the British Museum - we did this in person for some media folks and it proved a useful exercise in understanding classification theory so we will do the same thing using Google Maps!
What You'll Learn
In this tutorial we focus on how to understand the notion of a 'concept', how to model based on concepts rather than words or data structures, and the use of formal logic and classification theory in concept formation, including Description Logic and Web Ontology Language (OWL) constructs (restrictions, unions etc.) We also cover how to characterize different kinds of ontology for use or re-use in a range of deployment scenarios.